
coral peonies

10:28 PM

i am even going to type this whole post in a "coral/salmon" like shade (i really wanted coral) in honor of CORAL PEONIES, but blogger doesn't allow me coral... so this will have to do.

upon my weekly tuesday venture to the floral exchange, what but these 
beauties were in from california today!  
coral charm peonies!!  
a really cool feature about the amazing blooms is that over their time open, they fade to a beautiful pale, pale peach just before they are done.  it's really neat to see such intense color when the first start to open in an arrangement, to the fair shade it turns.

i used coral peonies, vibernam, yellow tulips, skyline roses, coral sweet pea, bunny tail fern and maiden hair fern in the arrangement finished in an angular glass vase with a tea leaf, fun and fresh for such a hot day.

i'm typically pretty obsessed with all things... accents!!  foliage, berries, ferns, pods, drieds... fruits!!!!  i was soo excited to see bunches of lemons still on the vine!  they are amazing, i'm going to use them this weekend for a bridal show at the crane estate in ipswich, ma (sunday, 4/22... 12pm-3pm)  but for today they served as my inspiration when i designed the coral arrangement they are staged with.  who ever knew plain ole' fruit on the vine could be sooo pretty!

xo... kerianne and the fleurette’s

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